It is an undeniable fact that racism is alive and well, even in the most civilized of countries. In what could be deemed as somewhat less-civilized countries, if you happen to be a foreigner of disliked origin, you may be hunted down and killed...along with your family.
Here in the U.S. I think that we take this sort of thing for granted. Instead of looking at the injustices against human life, we focus on the lesser discriminations occurring locally. While racism is certainly wrong, should we really be as worried about political correctness here as freeing slaves in other countries?
Hitler was not the only racist in world history, but he was certainly a big one. We are still learning more and more about the atrocities that took place at the hands of this evil man and his minions. To be fair, Hitler was not an idiot and he did make an impression upon the world. Evil people can be incredibly intelligent and can leave some of the most lasting legacies.
I read an article from the Daily Mail that spoke of how German Parliament is planning on post-humously pardoning 30,000 Germans who were considered traitors to the Nazi party:
Germany should be commended on stepping up and accepting fault for the crimes that were committed in the Holocaust. Germany has apologized to the Holocaust survivors, has issued reparations, and is now trying to undo some of the damage to the dignity of many German families. The lingering questions is this: is it enough?
Are monetary payments going to restore the heirlooms, photos, and every other material possession lost? Is a blanket apology going to make the memories of such terror go away? Will the stigma of your grandfather dying for being considered a traitor truly disappear with this pardon?
At least Germany is not trying to pretend that this was a conspiracy by the Jews as some believe. I do not understand Holocaust deniers. I have seen the tattoos, I have heard the stories, and I have seen the pain in those old eyes when telling of the sister who was last seen looking like a corpse.
When I lived in Virginia, I went to Randolph Macon Women's College one night to hear Eva Mozes speak of her experience as one of Josef Mengele's twins. You can read more about her and her sister here:
I constantly wonder how such hate exists in people's hearts to do commit such acts. And yet...there are parents who raise their children to become this:
Again I will say it; I do not understand how this is possible.
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