Just a few moments ago, I was sitting on my couch drinking some Lambrusco, eating some after-Christmas-sale chocolates, and thinking to myself, yeah, keep living the dream! I nearly dropped my delicious french truffle (ok, not on sale, but rather in my stocking) when I realized that I was, in fact, living the dream. Or at least my dream.
Okay, my life dreams are usually more like fantasies where I'm kinda similar to Eva Longoria in Desperate Housewives; a gorgeous trophy wife married to an equally gorgeous hunk-of-man billionaire. That, however, is not the dream I am referring to.
Right now, I am living in a decent apartment (and will moving on up come February), I make enough to support myself, my wardrobe is relatively current and cute, and I have friends both here and across the country. My life isn't perfect, but it's pretty darn good...especially with lots of chocolate.
Dream on, friends!
Chocolate and good friends makes all things perfect! I love the fact that you're content with your current living situation - so fabulous!! :)