So here are some little things that I have enjoyed lately.
- Last night while grocery shopping at WinCo, I discovered Roasted Chicken flavor ramen, which is much tastier than regular chicken ramen. I had previously rejoiced in the discovery of kosher chicken ramen, which is also better than regular chicken ramen.
- While shopping for some easy-peasy Indian food at Cost Plus, I was happy to find that they were on sale! 2/$4. Bringing up my 6 boxes (I had to stock up!) to the register, they had my favorite wine on sale, so I also grabbed a bottle of that. At the checkout, they randomly decided to give me a free tote bag. Win!
Regular chicken Ramen is so not good - hence the reason I always buy the shrimp flavor. I need to find the roasted chicken flavor for some variety. Yay for free tote bags!! :)